Aku Cinta Allah

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010 16:08 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Andaikan diriku bisa
Seperti yang lain
Yang Kau sayang
Yang Kau rindukan
Yang Kau cintai

Aku lemah tanpaMu aku lelah
Aku sungguh tak berdaya
Yaa Allah

Setiap air mataku mengalir
Allah aku lemah dan tak berarti
Setiap derai tangis membasahi
Allah jangan tinggalkan aku lagi

Aku sayang Allah
Aku rindu Allah
Aku Cinta Allah

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Lagu ini bener-bener sediih banget.
Pokoknya kalo lagi sedih trus dengerin lagu ini bawaannya pengen nangis..
Gak tau apa saya yg memang terlalu 'melankolis' atau 'terlalu perasa'
Yang pasti klo denger lagu ini jadi sedih dan bisa bwt nangis :'(

Coba deh ~

Fifteen by Taylor Swift

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010 16:47 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
It's the morning of your very first day
You say "Hi" to your friends you ain't seen in a while
Try and stay out of everybody's way
It's your freshman year and you're gonna be here
For the next four years in this town
Hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say
"You know I haven't seen you around, before"
'cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen
Feeling like there nothing to figure out
Well count to ten, take it in
This is life before who you're gonna be

You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail
And soon enough you're best friends
Laughing at the other girls who think they're so cool
Well be out of here as soon as we can
And then you're on your very first date and hes got a car
And you're feeling like flying
And you're mommas waiting up and you think hes the one
And you're dancing round your room when the night end
When the night ends
'cause when you're fifteen and somebody tell you they love you
You're gonna believe them
When you're fifteen and your first kiss
Makes your head spin round but
In your life you'll do things greater than dating the boy of the football team
But I didn't know it at fifteen

When all you wanted was to be wanted
Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now
Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday
But I realized some bigger dreams of mine

And Abigail gave everything she had to a boy
Who changed his mind and we both cried
'cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen, don't forget to look before you fall
Ive found that time can heal most anything
And you just might find who you're supposed to be
I didn't know who I was supposed to be at fifteen

La la la la la .. la la la la la .. La la la la la

Your very first day
Take a deep breath girl
Take a deep breath as you walk through those doors.

Because now, I am a 15 teenager :D


15:05 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Today is my birthday :D
Huh, it's mean I become older, my age is 15 now.
But in the other side I also become younger. Hmm, I mean my lifetime in this world is decrease -__-

First, I want to thanks to Allah because Allah still give me chance to live in this wonderful world. Haha ;p
And Thanks for everyone who give me the words 'Happy Birthday' or 'HBD' or whatever about my birthday wish. Give it to me directly, via twitter, or via facebook.

Thank you so much :D That's really mean a lot ~

In this birthday, I got surprise from my roommate, CND 4 (Cut Nyak Dien 4) Yes, this was the name of my dormitory room. This is the story ~
In the morning, after eating sahur, I entered the dormitory. Then, I had short chat with my roommates because I wanted to go to bathroom soon.
I entered the bathroom and took a bath. You know, in bathroom I thought that everyone didn't know that I have birthday today. I just felt little sad because no one give me Happy Birthday.
But, I just thought that was okay.

Then, I came out from bathroom. I wanted to use my uniform, but I couldn't find my uniform. I was sure that I placed it in my wardrobe last night. I started to worry that how can if I can't find my uniform?? I couldn't go to school -__-" I asked my roommates and they just said "maybe you left your uniform in your home" or "maybe you laundry your uniform" and the other words that didn't help me to find my uniforms >.< THANKS SO MUCH FOR MY FAMILY IN CND 4 :DD LOVE YOU ALL :*
Thanks to Husnul Muthia, Dea Khairunnisa, Fania Rizkyani Sariza, Ardini Eka Saputri, Bella Melinda, Nuria Junita, Dian Nur'afalia, Annisa Tri Wahyuni, Bintang Putri Mahayana.
Friends is not only friends, but friends is the people who can become the part of you like a family :)

Oh ya, this was the picture :

Sorry if I can't reply all of your kindness, friends. I just can hope that we will be a success person in the future. Amiin.


I Love You Because You Love What I Love

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010 20:47 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar

What do you think about the title??
You know, those words just comes out from my head so I write it

I Love You Because You Love What I Love :D

Is that the one reason why are people loving each other? Because they know that they love the same things so they being in love.

--- or this is only my thinking ??

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010 20:57 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan, Selamat datang bulan ramadhan :D

Yaps, gak terasa kan kalo sekarang udah bulan ramadhan. Bulan yang suci, bulannya umat islam. Di bulan inilah umat islam menjalani salah salah satu rukun islam yaitu puasa. Berpuasa itu bukan hanya menahan lapar dan haus tetapi juga menahan nafsu, serta niat2 buruk lainnya.

Malam ini adalah malam pertama kita sahur (bagi yang kebangun bwt sahur ;p). Jadi kita harus semangat bangun untuk sahur ya. Okok? ;) Nah, Yang dikhawatirkan hari pertama puasa udah males-malesan kayakmana hari selanjutnya? Gak kebayang deh. Mugkin udah gak puasa lagi *astaghfirullah, jangan sampe*

Oh ya, di bulan yang suci ini, saya mau minta maaf kepada semua orang yang telah saya sakiti secara tidak sengaja ataupun secara sengaja. Maaf ya :( *AWAS, kalo gak maapin, siap-siap di. kill* Weiss, kidding.. Haha, yang penting kita saling memaafkan dengan hati ikhlas sehingga puasa serta ibadah yang akan kita jalani diterima oleh Allah Swt. Amin.

Hmmm, saya kira cukup sampai disini. Harus cepet tidur soalnya besok pagi adalah sahur pertama jadi harus bisa bangun pagi.

Mari kita sambut bulan Ramadhan dengan hati gembira sehingga ibadah yang akan kita jalani pun terasa nikmat. Siap? ;)

Okay, See you in another story :D

I wanna ask .........

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010 20:53 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Kenapa di dunia ini bertebaran orang-orang yang berbakat?

Gerem rasanya kalo liat karya orang-orang tu bagus-bagus, keren-keren, awesome xO
Jadi pengen punya karya kayak mereka juga kan.

Huaaaaa :O *pengen teriak* *pengen gigit sesuatu*

--- ATTENTION (just ignore this, because the writer is crazy when she writes this post) LOL xD

Alhamdulillah. Finally I got my fix extracurricular :D

16:11 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Alhamdulillah. Thanks for give me the best for today, God :D

Akhirnya hari ini, aku mendapat ekskul tetap di SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang. Yaitu ekskul KIRANA (Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja Andalan 17).
Syarat sebuah ekskul yaitu anggotanya maksimal terdiri atas 35 orang, nah, ekskul kirana ini mempunyai banyak peminat sehingga dari angkatan kami, angkatan empat belas ada 39 siswa yang ingin masuk KIRANA. Alhasil, harus ada 4 siswa yang di.eliminasi. Sedih? Memang.
Aku berharap aku tidak termasuk dalam 4 siswa yang harus keluar itu. Tetapi, aku sedih kalau yang lain harus dikeluarin. Huft, serba salah. Tapi, yang namanya peraturan dimanapun pasti harus dipatuhi.

Jadi, hari ini, Senin, 9 Agustus 2010, kami semua siswa yang 39 itu disuruh berkumpul di ruang KIRANA, ruang 8. Disini kami akan diwawancarai (sebenarnya kami juga sudah disuruh membuat karangan dgn tema lingkungan). Nah, kami dibagi jadi 6 kelompok setiap kelompok terdiri atas 5/6 orang. Mulailah kami ditanya-tanya. Pokoknya pertanyaan macem-macem plus beda-beda setiap kelompok.

Setelah semua sudah diwawancarai, para senior berkumpul di luar ruangan. Berunding mungkin. Senior pun mulai memanggil beberapa siswa keluar. Yg didalem, masih dagdigdug dan berdoa smoga bukan mereka yang dikeluarin.

Akhirnya, tiba waktu pengumuman....

Rasanya gak pengen denger nama-nama yang dikeluarin. Jujur, takut. Tapi, penasaran juga sih. Akhirnya kak naafi, ketua kir mulai menyebutkan nama yang keluar. Tambah dagdigdug kan.
Yah, kak naafi selesai meyebutkan nama yang di.eliminasi. Namaku? Sania Rifa Zaharadina? Alhamdulillah kak naafi tidak menyebut namaku. Tapi, sedih ngeliat yg harus dikeluarin :'(

Buat yang tereleminasi, jangan berlarut dalam kesedihan yaaa. okeoke?
Masih banyak ekskul yang cocok buat kalian kok :) Jadi, berusahalah !! Karena, ingatlah

"Allah akan selalu memberi yang terbaik serta Allah tidak akan merubah nasib suatu kaum apabila kaum tersebut tidak berusaha untuk merubahnya"

So, you always need to struggle and never give up !!

Dan, dengan masuknya aku dalam ekskul ini aku berharap aku bisa mengambil manfaat yang diberikan ekskul ini sebaik-baiknya. Aku bisa meraih prestasi yang membanggakan serta dapat menjunjung nama ekskul KIRANA ini. Amiin.

Words In Holy Quran

Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010 17:45 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
The Most Selfish One-Letter Word
Avoid It
(Surah Al Kahf 18:34)

The Most Satisfying Two-Letter Word
Use It
Surah Al An'am 6:71-72

The Most Poisonous Three-Letter Word
Kill It
Surah Al Qasas 28:78

The Most Used Four-Letter Word
Value It
(Surah Al Rum 30:21)

The Most Pleasing Five Letter Word
Keep It
(Surah Al Najm 53:43)

The Fastest Spreading Six-Letter Word
Ignore It
(Surah Al Hujurat 49:12)

The Hardest Working Seven Letter Word
Achieve It
(Surah Al Nur 24:37-38)

The Most Enviable Eight-Letter Word
Distance It
(Surah Yusuf 12:8-9)

The Most Powerful Nine-Letter Word
Acquire It
(of Allah & the Holy Qu'ran) Surah Ya Sin 36:2 Surah Yusuf 12:2

The Most Essential Ten-Letter Word
Trust It
(Trust in Allah's Guidance)
Surah Yunus 10: 9 - Surah Al Tawbah 9:51

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