Today is my birthday :D
Huh, it's mean I become older, my age is 15 now.
But in the other side I also become younger. Hmm, I mean my lifetime in this world is decrease -__-
First, I want to thanks to Allah because Allah still give me chance to live in this wonderful world. Haha ;p
And Thanks for everyone who give me the words 'Happy Birthday' or 'HBD' or whatever about my birthday wish. Give it to me directly, via twitter, or via facebook.
Thank you so much :D That's really mean a lot ~
In this birthday, I got surprise from my roommate, CND 4 (Cut Nyak Dien 4) Yes, this was the name of my dormitory room. This is the story ~
In the morning, after eating sahur, I entered the dormitory. Then, I had short chat with my roommates because I wanted to go to bathroom soon.
I entered the bathroom and took a bath. You know, in bathroom I thought that everyone didn't know that I have birthday today. I just felt little sad because no one give me Happy Birthday.
But, I just thought that was okay.
Then, I came out from bathroom. I wanted to use my uniform, but I couldn't find my uniform. I was sure that I placed it in my wardrobe last night. I started to worry that how can if I can't find my uniform?? I couldn't go to school -__-" I asked my roommates and they just said "maybe you left your uniform in your home" or "maybe you laundry your uniform" and the other words that didn't help me to find my uniforms >.< THANKS SO MUCH FOR MY FAMILY IN CND 4 :DD LOVE YOU ALL :*
Thanks to Husnul Muthia, Dea Khairunnisa, Fania Rizkyani Sariza, Ardini Eka Saputri, Bella Melinda, Nuria Junita, Dian Nur'afalia, Annisa Tri Wahyuni, Bintang Putri Mahayana.
Oh ya, this was the picture :

Sorry if I can't reply all of your kindness, friends. I just can hope that we will be a success person in the future. Amiin.
Huh, it's mean I become older, my age is 15 now.
But in the other side I also become younger. Hmm, I mean my lifetime in this world is decrease -__-
First, I want to thanks to Allah because Allah still give me chance to live in this wonderful world. Haha ;p
And Thanks for everyone who give me the words 'Happy Birthday' or 'HBD' or whatever about my birthday wish. Give it to me directly, via twitter, or via facebook.
Thank you so much :D That's really mean a lot ~
In this birthday, I got surprise from my roommate, CND 4 (Cut Nyak Dien 4) Yes, this was the name of my dormitory room. This is the story ~
In the morning, after eating sahur, I entered the dormitory. Then, I had short chat with my roommates because I wanted to go to bathroom soon.
I entered the bathroom and took a bath. You know, in bathroom I thought that everyone didn't know that I have birthday today. I just felt little sad because no one give me Happy Birthday.
But, I just thought that was okay.
Then, I came out from bathroom. I wanted to use my uniform, but I couldn't find my uniform. I was sure that I placed it in my wardrobe last night. I started to worry that how can if I can't find my uniform?? I couldn't go to school -__-" I asked my roommates and they just said "maybe you left your uniform in your home" or "maybe you laundry your uniform" and the other words that didn't help me to find my uniforms >.< THANKS SO MUCH FOR MY FAMILY IN CND 4 :DD LOVE YOU ALL :*
Thanks to Husnul Muthia, Dea Khairunnisa, Fania Rizkyani Sariza, Ardini Eka Saputri, Bella Melinda, Nuria Junita, Dian Nur'afalia, Annisa Tri Wahyuni, Bintang Putri Mahayana.
Friends is not only friends, but friends is the people who can become the part of you like a family :)
Oh ya, this was the picture :

Sorry if I can't reply all of your kindness, friends. I just can hope that we will be a success person in the future. Amiin.
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