Ran, can you hear me? I'll protect you. Don't worry.
Shinichi? Is it you? I've been missing you long time. Shinichi, come here.
Ran, answer me.
What? You're all words. Stop acting so cool! You're always away during the important times and all you do is only call!
You know, Shinichi. I really wish
you were here. Real. In front of me. I want to see you directly. I'm
tired of waiting. At first, I feel that only hearing your voice is enough. But, now in fact, it's not anymore. Listen, I want you to come. And, there are times when you were finally here, but disappear unexpectedly.
You always make me wait. Everytime...
(Ran, wait for me)
(Don't you run)
(I'll be right back)
What do you think I am?
Shinichi, I'm not angry to you. I'm just tired of waiting you. When I heard your voice it really makes me want to see you. Don't you know, that waiting is so hard. Especially waiting for you. Do you know how it feels to wait all this long? I miss you. Waiting is my best talent, and you are the one who make it.
But, if you keep saying to wait for you. That's only what I can do. As long as you keep your promise, I also will. I will wait for you as long as you come back. I just want you to know, deeply from my heart...
I love you, Shinichi!
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Wonderstruck is the first fragrance from the young American pop - country singer Taylor Swift, launched in cooperation with the cosmetic company Elizabeth Arden. The perfume is created by Olivier Gillotin of Givaudan.
Wonderstruck is named after the lyrics from the song "Enchanted": "I'm wonderstruck,
blushing all the way home," which tell about the feeling and the
impression you get when you first meet someone you like. Taylor hopes
that her fragrance will be an essential part of many impressions and
first meetings.
The fragrance composition is described as a
charming gourmand – floral with sparkling fruity tones on a wooden
background. The top notes are raspberry, dewberry, green tea, freesia
and apple blossom. The heart features sweet vanilla along with
sundrenched honeysuckle and white hibiscus. Notes of golden amber, musk,
sandalwood and peach are in the base.
Wonderstruck will be available from October in 50 ml and 100 ml bottles with an accompanying collection for body care.
Wonderstruck was launched in 2011.
Can someone buy me wonderstruck perfume, please?
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taylor swift
You feel that you have much thins to do, but your time is always limited. So, here it goes about 'time management'
- Management: The process of dealing with or controlling things or people; the use of resources effectively and efficiently
- Time management: The use of time effectively and efficiently.
- Planning
- Organizing
- Directing
- Controlling
- Remember the purpose of “managing time”; we don’t literally manage the time, but the doings that we do in one time.
- Do things according to the goal.
- Goal
- Flexibility
- Priority (80% effect is the result of 20% cause)
High priority:
Cannot be represented, cannot be rescheduled, will cause a bad impact
if it’s not done, the opportunity to do so is very rare (tidak
dapat diwakilkan, tidak dapat dijadwal ulang, akan berdampak buruk jika
tidak dilakukan, kesempatan untuk melakukannya sangat langka.)
- Focus. Reduce all the things/activities which do not support the relevant ones. (Reduksi semua kegiatan yang tidak mendukung hal yang bersangkutan)
- Balance. (Keseimbangan; Semua yang tidak seimbang itu tidak baik.)
- Assertive (to self); having or showing a confident and forceful personality. The courage to do, to act, or to reject, understanding our “portion”. (Berani untuk berbuat atau menolak, memahami porsi diri.)
- DO IT NOW! The more the things you hold and wait, the more they will haunt you and make your time seems shorter and shorter. (Lakukan sekarang! Apa yang kau tunda akan menggumpakan kekuatan untuk memburumu tanpa ampun.)
Source : http://theladybug.tumblr.com/post/11392360393/day58 This is Sri Izzati's blog. She always inspiring! :D
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