Taylor Swift ♥

Kamis, 30 Juni 2011 19:51 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar

Keputusan Tuhan

19:29 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Satu hal yang harus kau lakukan setelah kau berusaha dan berdoa adalah tawakal. Sungguh, kau harus percaya pada Tuhan Yang Maha Tahu segalanya. Kau harus memberikan seluruh kepercayaanmu pada-Nya. Kau harus membiarkan Dia yang memberimu keputusan. Sehingga kau harus menerima apapun yang Dia berikan, entah hal itu akan menyenangkan dirimu atau justru membuatmu sedih. Kau harus percaya bahwa Dia tahu segalanya dan dia telah menuliskan jalan hidupmu. Kau akan mendapatkan yang terbaik. Dan seharusnya kau tahu satu hal bahwa yang 'kau inginkan' tidak selalu menjadi yang 'terbaik' bagimu.

Tuhan, Kau tahu apa yang kuinginkan. 
Aku tunggu keputusan itu. 
Sebuah keputusan yang tentunya terbaik bagiku.

No Title

Senin, 27 Juni 2011 19:37 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Bukankah manusia dianjurkan untuk saling menasehati dan mengingatkan dalam kebaikan?
Jadi apakah salah bila seonggok daging yang tercipta dari tanah ini mengingatkan kebaikan pada yang lain tetapi justru ia sendiri tidak melakukan kebaikan tersebut?
Apakah seseorang harus mengingatkan kebaikan kepada yang lain setelah perbuatan baik itu dilakukan dirinya?
Benarkah orang yang jahat tidak bisa mengingatkan tentang kebaikan pada orang yang lain?

Padahal ia sendiri hanya berusaha melakukan apa yang dianjurkan Tuhan yaitu untuk saling mengingatkan dan menasehati dalam kebenaran. Tapi, apa jadinya apabila setelah mengingatkan tentang hal baik, dia justru harus menerima perkataan buruk yang ditujukan pada dirinya. Dia justru dicap sebagai seseorang yang sok benar. Apakah dia salah? Ayolaaah, dia hanya berusaha. Hanya itu. Dia ingin membuat dirinya lebih baik melalui mengingatkan yang lain tentang kebaikan. Bukankah tidak adil baginya menerima hal tersebut?

Dia bukan ingin menjadi seseorang yang diberi julukan sok benar, tapi ia hanya berusaha. Ia tahu bahwa dirinya tidak sempurna, bahwa dirinya tidak selalu melakukan hal yang benar. Dia hanya ingin bersama-sama terus memperbaiki diri. Dia justru mengajak pada kebaikan.

Jadi adilkah bagi kalian yang justru mengacuhkan dia? Bukankah Tuhan menganjurkan untuk saling mengingatkan dan menasehati dalam kebaikan?

Use time maximally

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011 13:34 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Time is what we want most,but what we use worst. #ATumblrQuote

Have you read the sentence above?
I copy that sentence from @ATumblrQuote twitter. When I first read it, I soon agree with that sentence. I just think that I have used most of my time useless. Okay, actually I can not answer if you ask what is 'useless time' mean? I don't know, I will explain you like this. I feel like when I am in school I want get holiday, but when I got my holiday I have nothing to do, I get nothing, time goes by and finally I meet with school, again.

How useless my time is!
I'm trying to do something. Something useful, of course. So that my time will not useless anymore. But, I don't know. I just lay on my bed, sit in front of my laptop, stare at television for long time. Time pass and that's my routine. Oh, how pity I am! That's what I don't like if my holiday like that. One word. Boring. I want to make adventure on my holiday. I want to get something new. New knowledge, new experience, new activity, new friend and even new things, that I can get with my work! Haha

 I don't want to regret. Regret always come late, but we can not give punishment to 'regret'  That's why I don't like regret. So what should I do so I will not meet regret anymore.
Here, I can still think some ways so that I will not meet regret.

First, Use your time well, useful. Never waste your time for any activity that you think will not give any benefit for you. 

Second, make a priority of your activity that most important to do.You can do something important first then you do something that not really important. Example, you should use your time to do homework first and you can use your time for watching TV, playing games, or another thing that not really important. 

Third, just believe that you never waste your time. If you do this, you will trust yourself that you always do something useful. It will give effect that you will -slowly or fast- use your time with something useful.

Okay, that's only my suggestion. Hope we will seldom or even never meet with 'regret'
Maybe you have another ways how to manage your time so that you will not waste your time. And we can change the sentence above become "Time is what we want most and what we use best"
Good luck!


12:57 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
just copy from other blog and I think it's good for sharing to you :)


I love my sleep in the morning rather tah getting up and pray Fajr on time

I love to spend more time to read novel rather than read my Quran

I love visiting and talking with my friends in the masjid than pray sunnah tahiyyatul masjid

I love memorizing funny jokes rather than memorizing surah in the holy book

I love to chat with my friend and check my facebook rather than spending my time to do zikr

I love to finish watching my favorite TV shows rather than pause it and do my salat for 5 minutes

I prefer to say “hi” or “what’s up” to my muslim friends rather than say “assalamualaikum”

I forgot to thank ALLAH of my life today, yesterday, and inshaALLAH tomorrow

I do not realize that all the good foods I eat everyday is the blessings from ALLAH

I do not feel that ALLAH is in my heart and I still dare to add “poison” in my heart

I forgot the fact that ALLAH gave me tongue to say something nice


I know, there is no perfect human, and make mistake(s) is the part of my life.

I realize the fact that ALLAH created me perfectly for the benefits of myself, my family, and the rest
of the world.

From mistakes I learn and from mistakes we will try to improve myself.

Who am I?

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011 13:14 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
_Just something I do when I don't know what should I do anymore_
I make this in my class when there's no teacher :p

The Story Of Us - Taylor Swift

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011 10:53 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us
How we met and the sparks flew instantly
People would say, "they're the lucky ones"
I used to know my place was a spot next to you
Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat
'Cause lately I don't even know what page you're on
Oh, a simple complication
Miscommunications lead to fall out
So many things that I wish you knew
So many walls up I can't break through

Now I'm standing alone
In a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you
Like it's killing me?
I don't know what to say
Since a twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now
Next chapter

How'd we end up this way?
See me nervously pulling at my clothes
And trying to look busy
And you're doing your best to avoid me
I'm starting to think one day I'll tell the story of us
How I was losing my mind when I saw you here
But you held your pride like you should have held me
Oh, we're scared to see the ending
Why are we pretending this is nothing?
I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how
I've never heard silence quite this loud

Now I'm standing alone
In a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you
Like it's killing me?
I don't know what to say
Since a twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now

This is looking like a contest
Of who can act like they care less
But I liked it better when you were on my side
The battle's in your hands now
But I would lay my armor down
If you'd say you'd rather love than fight
So many things that you wish I knew
But the story of us might be ending soon

Now I'm standing alone
In a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you
Like it's killing me?
I don't know what to say
Since a twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, now
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you
Like it's killing me?
I don't know what to say
Since a twist of fate
'cause we're going down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now

God Exists !

10:17 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
A man went to a barbershop to have his hair and his beard cut as always. He started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They talked about so many things on various subjects. Suddenly, they touched the subject of God.
The barber said: “Look man, I don’t believe that God exists as you say so.”
“Why do you say that?” Asked the client. 
Well, it’s so easy; you just have to go out in the street to realize that God does not exist. Oh, tell me, if God existed, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. “I can’t think of a God who permits all of these things.” 
The client stopped for a moment thinking but he didn’t want to respond so as to prevent an argument. The barber finished his job and the client went out of the shop.

Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with a long hair and beard (it seems that it had been a long time since he had his cut and he looked so untidy).
Then the client again entered the barbershop and he said to the barber: “know what? Barbers do not exist.”
“How come they don’t exist?” asked the barber. “Well I am here and I am a barber.” 
“No!” - the client exclaimed. “They don’t exist because if they did there would be no people with long hair and beard like that man who walks in the street.”
"Ah, it's their false. That's happen because they don't come to me."replied the barber.
"Yes, that's exactly what I want to say when you say God does not exist!." the client smile proudly.

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011 19:51 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Finally I can make it by myself................

solving this cube with 'I U' (I Love You) pattern

Acara Lingkungan Hidup

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011 20:30 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Eh eh, mau tau gak kerjaan gue hari ini apa? 
ENGGAAAK ! #krik

Tapi, walaupun lo semua pada gak mau gue masih mau tetep cerita kok ;)
Eh jadi kelas gue itu disuruh dateng ke gelora sriwijaya buat menghadiri acara peringatan lingkungan hidup. Dan cuma info tambahan hari lingkungan hidup itu sebenernya 5 Juni, bukan hari ini, 9 Juni.
Inget ya, 5 Juni hari Lingkungan Hidup, siapa tau keluar di soal UN lo nanti :p

Sebagai pembuka, gue mau ceritain dulu nih bagaimana galaunya gue pas malem kamis. Galau mau dateng apa nggak besok. Dengan alasan yang gue tau sebenernya murahan yaitu 'nggak ada yang nganter.' Hellooow, jaman sekarang udah canggih, alasan gitu gak bisa jadi alasan.. Yah, gue tau. Makanya itu gue mencari teman yang bisa ditebengi dan tentunya bersedia kalo gue nebeng. Tentu gue nanyain temen yang rumahnya deket sama rumah gue.. Yaiyalah, buat apa gue nanya temen yang rumannya di ujung kulon sana. Alhamdulillah, ternyata ada! Filza bersedia ditebengin gue tapi dengan syarat dia gak bisa nanggung pulang acara nanti. Siip, gue terima aja tuh tawaran. Pulangnya nanti? kalo kato wong palembang tu - berijo bae kagek -

Dan satu lagi masalah  yaitu gue bingung gelora sriwijaya itu yang disamping PS atau yang di jakabaring. Awalnya sih gue udah yakin kalo itu yang di jakabaring, tempat foto hysteria waktu itu.  Tapi, ada yang bilang itu tu yang disamping PS.. Naah, buat bingung lagi kan.. *maap deh gue lahir di palembang tapi gak tau banyak ttg palembang, nama jalan di palembang aja kadang gue bingung* Maaf yaa pak presiden, pak gubernur..

Filza jemput gue baru jemput tika terus kita langsung cabut ke jakabaring (yeaah, kan emang bener gelora sriwijaya itu di jakabaring) Kami nyampe sana udah jam 8 lewat tuh.. Yang laen udah pada ganti baju warna putih-ijo-kuning. Lah, gue bingung aja liat mereka dapet baju itu darimana.. Ternyata emang dikasih gratis kok, nggak beli. Sekali lagi, gratis kok! GRATIS, tenang aja!  *Yaudah, biasa aja woy, waya-waya baju gratis. 
Yaah, elo, gue dag-dig-dug nih soalnya, gue cuma takut nih kalo bajunya itu beli, nggak bisa jalan ke mall lagi deh nanti gue #oke.lebay

Bajunya itu tangan pendek guys dan gue gak ada manset, jadi satu-satunya cara langsung aja deh gue pake baju itu. Oh ya, awalnya kami disuruh pake seragam khusus atau seragam warna ijo.. Kalo tau dapet baju gitu, gue tadi bawa manset plus pake jeans aja kali ya.. Untungnya, gak aneh-aneh banget gue pake seragam dilapisi baju kaos lingkungan hidup itu. 

Dan lo pada tau gak, acara itu baru dimulai setelah bapak wakil gubernur dateng jadi sekitar jam 9.an deh mulainya. Emang kebiasaan deh, orang penting itu seringnya ditunggu bukannya justru menunggu. Kapa-kapan ya da orang penting menunggu.. Gak tau deh. Acara itu kata temen-temen gue dan gue setuju juga, kayak acara undangan kawinan. Dateng-duduk-makan-pulang. Sayangnya, gak ada acara salam-salaman sama calon pengantin.. Haha

Sebenernya di acara itu ada pembagian hadiah lomba dan penghargaan adiwiyata, atau adipura atau kalapataru atau apalah namanya. Terus juga ada sambutan dari bapak wakil gubernur yang ngomongi tentang lingkungan.. Maap ya pak, gue gak terlalu dengerin omongan bapak. Tapi, intinya kita harus menjaga lingkungan dan hutan itu penyangga kehidupan. bener gak? itu deh pokoknya yang gue dapet. Kemudian pelepasan satwa yang katanya melepas 1000 burung tapi perasaan gue nggak nyampe deh tadi burungnya 1000 -___-

Acara selesai dan kami dapet brasserie, nasi kotak :) Haha, jadi nih ya, keuntungan dateng ke situ tuh : dapet baju, topi, snack, brasserie, nasi kotak.. Jadilah, daripada gak ada yang didapet. Pulang dari acara itu anak cowok udah pada pulang naek motor.. Mereka disuruh bawa bibit yang dikasih ke sekolah. Sabar ya temaaan, kalo kalian ikhlas dapet pahala kok :) Anak cowok yang belum pulang itu cuma satu, edwin. Akhirnya dia jadi korban dari kegilaan kami buat berfoto. Dia kami suruh jadi fotografer buat kami foto-foto.. Haha, maap ya win.

Nah, terus masalah pulang nih.. Pas pergi tadi kan gue bilang kalo pulangnya berijo bae. Dan harus disyukuri lagi, emang ada jalan buat kami untuk pulang ke rumah. Emang bener kok, banyak jalan menuju roma, banyak jalan menuju ruma #geje #krik Kami nebeng rain sampe PIM, naek transmusi dan naek angkot jurusan pusri. Kami nyampe rumah sekitar jam 1 an deh kalo gak salah.

 Okay, that's my journey for today :D
Keep reading yaa !

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011 11:46 Diposting oleh Sania Rifa Zaharadina 0 komentar
Sometimes it's better to keep silent than to tell others what you feel because it will only hurt you when you know they can hear you but can not understand you.

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